What is ACT Now?
In 2019 the Scottish Government declared a climate emergency and passed the Climate Change Bill that commits us to achieving the goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2045. Shortly after this, North Lanarkshire Council set a target to achieve net zero 15 years earlier by 2030. As part of the response to this ambitious target the North Lanarkshire Partnership established the new Action Together on Climate initiative (ACT Now).
ACT Now will support action to tackle the climate emergency in North Lanarkshire with a commitment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030. This will be achieved by supporting an “inclusive and green recovery” from COVID-19 which is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable and which improves people’s quality of life, wellbeing and equality.

ACT Now’s objectives are:
- Improve understanding of the climate emergency and what must be done to achieve net-zero amongst North Lanarkshire’s citizens and workforce in all sectors.
- Support North Lanarkshire’s community and voluntary sector and business sector to become “green champions” committed to transitioning to net-zero whilst supporting inclusive and green recovery from COVID 19.
- Review and share progress regarding North Lanarkshire Partnership’s statutory partners’ delivery of their inclusive, green recovery and net-zero commitments.
- Provide collective leadership and accountability on climate and net-zero action in North Lanarkshire through North Lanarkshire Partnership.
ACT Now embraces four key principles in its approach:
- A holistic and integrated approach spanning environmental, social and economic issues.
- Local leadership to change our social and economic activities so low-carbon is either the only or easiest option.
- Enabling a just transition which supports economic and social inclusion whilst supporting environmental sustainability.
- Involves all sectors of society with a strong focus on people and places.
North Lanarkshire Climate and Green Activity Map
Key Act Now North Lanarkshire Documents
ACT Now NL Annual Report 2022 – 23
Download the ACT Now NL Annual Report 2022-23 in Doc format

Read the ACT Now Plan
Download the ACT Now Plan in PDF format.

Read the ACT Now Briefing
Download the ACT Now Briefing in PDF format.