Our North Lanarkshire Community Climate and Green Wellbeing project has the following inter-linked and complementary elements to support increased community awareness and action.

  1. Volunteer Champions – who are recruited from CVS orgs and communities and receive training and support so they can facilitate conversations and action on climate and green wellbeing issues in their community and organisation.

Contact info@VANL.co.uk for more information

  1. Six North Lanarkshire Community Climate and Green Wellbeing Guides

Available to download for free here.

  1. Active Travel and Community Transport
  1. Community Food Growing
  1. Community Led Greening and Nature Conservation
  1. Community Renewable Energy Guide
  1. Green Home Energy
  1. Reuse, Upcycling and Community Sharing Guide

  1. A North Lanarkshire Community and Voluntary Sector Climate and Green Wellbeing Pledge

For more information please contact actnownl@vanl.co.uk