North Lanarkshire Council

Maintaining and developing our environment plays a significant part in delivering our ambition to make North Lanarkshire the place to live, learn, work, invest and visit.
The Environment Strategy supports a number of the council’s priorities and ambition statements.
Improve economic opportunities and outcomes
- Refocus our town centres and communities to be multi-functional connected places which maximise social, economic, and environmental opportunities
- Maximise the use of our marketable land and assets through improved development in business and industrial infrastructure
- Market and promote North Lanarkshire as the place to live, learn, work, invest, and visit
Improve the health and wellbeing of our communities
- Encourage the health and wellbeing of people through a range of social, cultural, and leisure activities
Enhance participation, capacity and empowerment across our communities
- Transform our natural environment to support wellbeing and inward investment and enhance it for current and future generations
- Ensure we keep our environment clean, safe, and attractive
The Environment Strategy brings together several strategies, actions plans and policies which contribute to the development and protection of our environment including;