Scottish Fire and Rescue
On 25 September 2019, the Scottish Government (SG) passed legislation committing Scotland to achieving Net Zero carbon emissions by 2045. In response, SFRS has developed a Climate Change Response Plan 2045 that outlines how SFRS contributes to climate change and the measures that will be required to also achieve net zero carbon emissions within that timescale.
The energy used in heating and powering the Scottish Fire and Rescue estate and fuelling the fleet are the primary sources of carbon emissions. As such, an Energy and Carbon Strategy (ECS) is a fundamental element in delivering our Climate Change Response Plan 2045.
When the eight legacy Services were amalgamated into the SFRS, the need to transform the Service to continue to protect our communities from new and emerging risks, including the impacts of climate change, was identified. In doing so, the essential role that SFRS plays in supporting our communities to mitigate against causes of climate change, principally carbon emissions from fires, was also identified. This is achieved by;
1. Working to Prevent Fires
2. Building Community Resilience to Respond to Climate Change
3. Developing Capacity to Respond to New and Growing Risks